Why do birds always peck at glass windows? What is the science behind this?

As soon as the summer season arrives, you must have often seen that some birds repeatedly peck at your glass window. Have you ever wondered why birds do this? Let us tell you what is the reason behind birds doing this.

Why do birds do this?

This often happens at the end of summer. When it is time for birds to breed. At this time, some species of birds are very cautious about their partners and children. If they see any threat to their family from anywhere, they are ready to fight for their safety.

Actually, when these birds make their nest near your house and give birth to children, they create a boundary around that nest. These birds do not tolerate any other bird like themselves in their boundary, they consider it their competitor. This is the reason that when they reach near the window glass, they see their own face in the mirror, seeing which they think that it is their competitor and they attack it. This is the reason why they peck at the glass repeatedly.

What should we do in such a situation

If a bird is repeatedly pecking at the glass of your house, then you do not have to worry much about it. If you can cover the window, then do that. Or go outside and just check whether the bird is injured or not. If the bird is injured, then help it and take it to the nest. Apart from this, if a bird is making a nest outside your house in the summer season or has already made it, then definitely arrange water and food for it. Many birds lose their lives due to thirst in summer.

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